
As a nation (goy) which is not a nation (am), Messianic Noahides have their ancestral origins with the Sadducees from whom they inherited the Sadducee calendar. The Sadducee Priesthood ran the late Second Temple and a large number of priests became obedient to the faith (Acts 6:7). Even the Nicene calculation for Pesach is the taken directly from the Sadducee Temple System. In contrast, although Umar's Himyarite calendar followed the Sanhedrin until 358/9 when intercalation ceased, still, Abu Bakr the Sadducee was from a garrison of Nehemiah ben Hushiel's army in Edessa and large numbers of Sadducees were placed in positions of power by his family. Hence both sides of the Messianic Noahide coin have significant Sadducee origins so do not fret when you come across mention of Sadducees in material produced by this Schule. For us, Sadducees were apostates whose sect was absorbed by Messianic believers in Noahide Judaism.

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