As we approach the beginning of what will be according to the calculations of Rav Jose b. Chalafta, of Sephoris (fl. c. 100—150AD) the 5785th year of the Hebrew Calendar, it is worthwhile recounting the history of sentient life before our calendar began 6000 years ago with the Adam Kadmon Spirit of Sonship and the Afroasiatic languages emerged.
Adam Kadmon |
Genesis 1 to the end of Genesis 4 describes everything that happened from the beginning of creation until the Hebrew Calendar began. During that time HaAdam was the very first life form created, even before the plants, specifically to prepare the soil for plants to grow. HaAdam was supposed to be the leader of his angels the Ishim who led him astray so that he blamed HaShem for bringing them from him.
After HaAdam and his Ishim were cast down here to Assiya away from Yetzira, HaAdam produced demonic offspring with Lilith. His dynasty ruled as Anunaki over his murderous Keinite children whose consciences had improved greatly by the time of Lamech to whose offspring HaShem granted the Adam Kadmon Spirit of Sonship. Sadly, HaAdam's dynasty, unlike their Keinite subjects rather than developing conscience had become increasingly wicked, thereby provoking HaShem's wrath.
After the Adam Kadmon Spirit of Sonship had descended upon the contrite Keinites, HaAdam's dynasty continued to rule the waves as Tyrants over them for about a thousand more years before drowning in Noah's flood which eradicated HaAdam's pollution from the surface of the earth.
While there is no harm in imagining what the tyrannical rule of HaAdam over the planet might have been like, many foolish people throughout the ages have tried to resurrect the personality cult of HaAdam by encouraging people to worship their rulers. Some have even claimed to be descendants of HaAdam's dynasty which was sunken beneath the waves during the deluge and call themselves Lemurians or Atlanteans etc.. It would be better if the Imperialism they worship would have remain buried beneath the waters until judgment day, but the Beast of the Sea is here to rule again until the Children of HaShem consign it to Hellfire once and for all.
In contrast to wicked HaAdam, the worst of creation, the Adam Kadmon Spirit of Sonship is revered as the Prototokos whose manifestation is Yeshua Sar HaPanim. Yeshua Sar HaPanim has been visiting the contrite Keinites from time to time to guide us on the path of repentance back to our rightful place as Ishim in Yetzira. Adam Kadmon has given mankind the gift of all science and technology and improved our world greatly from the time of HaAdam's tyrrany.