Friday 19 July 2024


The Three Weeks are a traditional period of Fasting in Judaism to mourn various disasters which have taken place throughout Jewish history starting with the Sin of the Golden Calf. 

Sunday 9 June 2024


As with every Yomtov other than Yom Kippur, the Second day of the Yomtov is for Messianic Noahides. The Teliya tells us that Messianic Noahides are to celebrate such days with a different emphasis from Judaism and in this case the focus for Messianic Noahides is supposed to be on the Ascension rather than  on Harvest.

The first Shavuot was on the 6th of Sivan and commemorated the revelation of the Exodus 20:1-24:4 Constitution.

On the 7th day of Sivan HaShem feasted with the Sanhedrin. 

Friday 24 May 2024


The 3rd of Sivan is the first day of the Feast of the Ascension which culminates in Pentecost. Relevant passages include:

Exodus 19 & 20
Mark 16:19-20
Luke 24:50-53
Acts 1 & 2
1 Corinthians 15:6

Please watch this video for details:

It is good practice to do Tahorat on the 3rd day of the 3rd Hebrew month dress in white and preserve your taharat until the Feast of Shavuot.


40 days after the resurrection Jesus ascended on the 3rd of the 3rd and were taken from their sight by a cloud.

Then He sent the gift of His Word to all Disciples at Pentecost.

Then His Word and Name appeared to Saul of Tarsus.

And He sent His Word and Name again to John-Simon (also known as Elijah) on the Island of Patmos.

And thus His Word and Name remain so with us still until His Shubiha Jesus Patibilis returns with Power and Glory.

Wednesday 15 May 2024


 Lag B'Omer means the 33rd day of counting the Omer. It always falls on the 18th of Iyyar. For Messianic Noahides it corresponds to the 3rd day of the Feast of Midpentecost which corresponds to the 3 days that Jesus was lost following the Pesach Sheni that his parents attended in Jerusalem when he was 12 for his Bar Mitzva. In Judaism it is remembered as the day when the Kabbalah was revealed.

Luke 2:47

James-Lazarus (JN, PL) 
Then James-Lazarus, His appointed "brother", saw Him from a fishing boat on the shore of Tiberias. 

Sunday 7 April 2024



On the 1st of Iyyar, Matthias and the 11 all met Jesus in Galilee when he descended to them again one week after the Resurrecton Sunday. 

This was the first time that the new 12 had seen him all together and was the beginning of a New Era. For this reason 1st of Iyar became celebrated as 1st of Muharram by Muslims. 

On this occasion, Jesus had some broiled fish and honeycomb to eat before doing many other things appearing to over 500 people at the same time.
On Thomas Sunday, Jesus told Thomas to put his finger u to his wounds in order to dispel his disbelief. 

Sunday 31 March 2024



After Pascha the women witnessed his resurrection early in the morning on the first day of Yeast (whence derives the Viking word "Yeaster" meaning "Raising"). Nisan 22nd is another holiday mandated by the Rabbonim of the Exile. It is important to note that this first day of Raising has NO OTHER SIGNIFICANCE in Rabbinical Judaism because by overlooking that fact, many have for centuries misunderstood the great secret of Noahide Judaism about which is is said, "those who know don't say and those who say don't know". But Messianic Noahides know this secret.

On the Sadducee calendar it is Resheit Katzir which is calculated differently from Rabbinical Resheit Katzir. 

It was early (MT 28:1) on the first day of the week. While it was yet still very overcast 6 women (Mary, Magda, the other Mary-Cleopa, the Mother of James, Salome and Joanna) set out to meet at the sepulchre to embalm Jesus Patibilis. Mary and Magda went ahead while the other lagged behind. 
The 6 Women
Just like on Preparation day, Mary and Magda witnessed the Earth quake again and the guards became like dead men as they saw an angel descend from heaven to roll the stone away to the right. (MT 28:2-4)
Meanwhile, the other Mary-Cleopa and the Mother of James as well as Salome were on their way to the tomb wondering who would remove the stone before they saw it open. 

One Mary immediately hurried silently to tell the Talmidim in Jerusalem they don't know where Jesus is (JN 20:1-2). 

Magda, the other Mary-Cleopa, the Mother of James as well as Salome approached to see the angel sat on the stone to the right of the open tomb (MK 16:1-5). The angel spoke to them before departing (MT 28:5-7, MK 16:6-7)
"Don't be shocked, you are looking for Jesus Patibilis, he is risen, as he said, he is not here look where he lay."
Next, Joana arrives in the morning (LK 24:1) to join Magda, the other Mary-Cleopa and the Mother of James as well as Salome standing by the Sepulchre. 
Salome and the other Mary-Clopas hurried away silently. Magda, the Mother of James and Joanna enter the Sepulchre where they see two more angels appear inside to tell them the news.
"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you while He was still in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.’"
The women silently hurry and tell Matthias and the 11 Apostles and others. (LK 24:3-9) Magda, the Mother of James and Joanna meet Mary, Peter and Lazarus already running back to the Sepulchre (JN 20:3-5). Peter then Lazarus enter the Sepulchre. It's not clear if they saw the two angels present, but they believe the news (JN 20:6-9)
Simon Peter finds Mary-Cleopa going to a gathering on the Emmaus road while Lazarus accompanies his mother and Joanna home to the brethren in Bethany where they prepare to leave for Galilee.

Before leaving with Magda, Mary sees the two angels in the Sepulchre who ask her why she crys and Mary replies.
Though almost unrecognisable, on the first day of the week when Jesus rose, he appeared to Mary & Magda first. Mary thought Jesus was a gardener when he questioned Mary as the angels did but while speaking suddenly Jesus was recognisable.
Mary rejoices when she finally recognises the gardener as Jesus. Magda worships him while Mary clasps his feet. Jesus tells Mary not to because he must ascend first. Then He instructs them to tell the Brethren to prepare to meet him in Galilee because he is going to ascend.
Magda goes telling the brethren that Jesus lives and has spoken to Mary.
Meanwhile the guards had rushed to tell the chief priests what they had witnessed (MT 28:11-16)
In a different way, Jesus revealed Himself when He found Peter & the other Mary-Cleopa on the Emmaus road but they don't see it's Him while He instructs them on the road.
Peter & Mary-Cleopa meet the Risen Jesus going to Emaus

He then stops with them and the other women in the house on the Emmaus road and when those disciples assembled had shut the doors for fear of the Jews, He stood among them and breaks bread and Peter recognised Him before he vanished. 
After talking about it, two of them walk two hours back to tell the other 11 in Jerusalem. They tell them that the reports are true and Jesus has also been seen by Simon Peter.
LK 24:36, JN 20:21-23.
After Matthias & Thomas had left He appeared to 10 of the apostles, gives them peace again, shows them His hands and side, again gives them peace, commissions them, breathes Holy Spirit on them and gives them authority to forgive or withhold before ascending. 

THE 12
Although Thomas says he can't believe it because he wasn't with them when it happened, the 12 (11 and Matthias) do all agree to go to Galilee together as he commanded them for the following Sunday (Thomas Sunday). JN20:24-29, LK 24:37-43, MT28:16-17.

This is in accordance with Paul when he says that Jesus was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and (not counting female witnesses) Paul says that Jesus appeared to Cephas and eventually to the new Twelve by the following Sunday (Thomas Sunday) and ate some broiled fish.

500 (Matthew 28:18, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:44, John 20:30)
After that, He appeared to more than five hundred brothers at once most of whom were still living when Paul wrote, though some had fallen asleep. 

JAMES (John 21:1)
The 4th time he appeared it was James-Lazarus who recognized him and Jesus made them breakfast. 

Then He appeared to the 72 apostles at ascension/pentecost. 

And last of all in a different way He appeared to Paul.

 It was early (MT 28:1) on the first day of the week. Several women set out to meet at the sepulchre to embalm the crucified Jesus.

First to arrive at the sepulchre was Mary and the other Mary (Mother Clopas). Just like on Preparation day, the Earth quaked again as They saw an angel descend from heaven to roll the stone away to the right. (MT 28:2-3) The guards became like dead men. (MT 28:4)
The angel sat on the stone to the right (MK 16:5). Then Salome and Mary Mother of James also came to the tomb (MK 16:1) at sunrise (MK 16:2) wondering who would remove the stone before they saw what had happened. The angel spoke to all those Women before departing (MT 28:5-7, MK 16:6-7)
"Don't be shocked, you are looking for Jesus who was crucified, he is risen, as he said, he is not here look where he lay."
While it was yet still very overcast (JN 20:1), Magda arriving a little behind them sees the Sepulchre open where Salome and Mother Mary ran to tell her they don't know where Jesus Patibilis is.
Mother Mary & Magda silently hurry to tell the Talmidim in Jerusalem (JN 20:2) leaving Mother Clopas and James's Mother by the Sepulchre.
Next, Joana arrives in the morning (LK 24:1) and enters the Sepulchre with Mother Clopas and James's Mother where they see two more angels appear inside to tell them the news.
"Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen! Remember how He told you while He was still in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men, and be crucified, and on the third day rise again.’"
The women silently hurry and tell the 11 Apostles and others. (LK 24:3-9) Joana goes on after Salome while Mother Clopas and James's Mother meet Peter and Beloved Lazarus already running back to the Sepulchre (JN 20:3-5) with Mary & Magda. Peter then Beloved Lazarus enter the Sepulchre. It's not clear if they saw the two angels present, but they believe the news (JN 20:6-9)
Simon Peter accompanies Mother Clopas to a gathering on the Emmaus road while Beloved Lazarus accompanies his Mother home to the brethren in Bethany where they prepare to leave for Galilee.

Before leaving with Mary, Magda sees the two angels in the Sepulchre who ask her why she crys and Magda replies.
Though almost unrecognisable on the first day of the week when Jesus Patibilis rose, he appeared to Mary & Magda first. Magda thought Jesus Patibilis was a gardener when he questioned Magda as the angels did but while speaking suddenly Jesus Patibilis was recognisable.
Mary & Magda rejoice when they finally recognised the gardener as Jesus Patibilis. Mary worships him while Magda clasps his feet. Jesus Patibilis tells Magda not to because he must ascend first. Then He instructs them to tell the Brethren to prepare to meet him in Galilee because he is going to ascend.
Mary & Magda go telling the brethren that Jesus Patibilis lives.
Meanwhile the guards had rushed to tell the chief priests what they had witnessed (MT 28:11-16)
In a different way, Jesus Patibilis revealed Himself when He found Peter & Mother Clopas on the Emmaus road but they don't see it's Him while He instructs them on the road.
He then stops with them and the other women in the house on the Emmaus road and when those disciples assembled had shut the doors for fear of the Jews, He stood among them and breaks bread. He gives them peace, shows them His hands and side, again gives them peace, commissions them, breathes Holy Spirit on them and gives them authority to forgive or withhold before ascending.
After talking about it, two of them walk two hours back to tell Matthias and the 10 in Jerusalem. They tell them that the reports are true and Jesus Patibilis has also been seen by Simon Peter.
Though Thomas says he can't believe it because He wasn't with them, they do all agree to go to Galilee together where Matthias and the 11 all meet Jesus Patibilis when he descends to them the following Sunday and he had some broiled fish and honeycomb to eat before appearing to over 500 people at the same time.

Beloved Lazarus (JN, PL) 
Then Beloved Lazarus, saw Him on the shore of Tiberias. 

40 days after the resurrection Jesus Patibilis ascended and were taken from their sight by a cloud.

Then He sent the gift of His Word to all Disciples at Pentecost.

Then His Word and Name appeared to Saul of Tarsus.

And He sent His Word and Name again to John on the Island of Patmos.

And thus His Word and Name remain so with us still until His Shubiha returns with Power and Glory.

Monday 25 March 2024


Here is the NT radicalist interpretstion of Holy Week. 

John Chapter 12:12 on Palm Sunday Jesus sits on a Donkey in the temple. This is the second time in the past 7 days. A voice from heaven speaks. Everyone expects something epic from Jesus but he says just a few sentences about dying then leaves. 

Matthew 26, Mark 14, Luke 22
In the evening, Jesus performs Havdalah after finishing tish with his disciples. 

John chapter 13, Judas takes the shirayim and immediately leaves to betray him. 

John Chapters 14 to 17, after Havdalah Jesus tells his disciples about the Paraclete as they walk from Mount Zion to the Mount of Olives. Jesus leaves his disciples in the garden and takes James John and Zebedee a stone's throw further. He then goes on himself a little further to pray alone and is strengthened by an Angel. 

Jesus is arrested in the garden of Gethsemane and taken to the house of Annas. A disciple known to Anna's let's Peter in. Jesus speaks. A young man runs away naked and Peter denies Jesus before the cock crows twice as Jesus is taken from the house of Annas. 

Matthew 26:57-67, Mark 14:53-65, Luke 22:66-71, John 18:24.
At break of day (sunrise) on Monday Jesus was brought from Annas to Caiaphas, the Chef Priests, Scribes and Elders. Jesus reveals the Pardes infuriating the Sadducees. 

We are told at this point that Judas hanged himself. But I doubt that we can take it that he did so at this time rather than later. 

Matt 27:11-14, Mark 15:1-5, Luke 23:1-7, John 18:28-37.
The next day Tuesday morning Jesus was seen by Pontius Pilate who wants to let him go after being reminded that Pilate has declared Jesus king. 

Luke 23:8-12
The next day, Wednesday, he was seen by Herod. 

Matthew 27:15-30, Mark 15:6-19, Luke 23:13-25, John 18:38-19:16. 
The next day Thursday Jesus was back to Pilate for the last time. Claudia begs Pilate not to handle the case. Pilate ponders, "what is truth?" then frees Barabbas, is scourge and crowned with thorns and when the sun had set after a long day, Pilate washes his hands and Jesus is finally sentenced to Crucifixion by 21pm preparation day night.

PARASKEUE (Preparation day) Friday morning 6am he was nailed to the cross. 

Jesus Harrows Hell.


Palm Sunday is always on the Sadducee 15th of Aviv. Since we are told that after the Lazarus Feast meal on Erev Shabbat HaGadol, in the Morning of the 15th John's Gospel states that Jesus sat on a donkey in the Temple of Jerusalem a second time

John 12:12-17:26

Riding on Yom Tov is a practice which has subsequently been prohibited by Rabbinical decree meaning that no other Torah observant Jew can ever do that again. But such Rabbinical decress are not retroactive, so the NT Jesus can never be regarded as having broken that law. Messianic Noahides only observe the 15th as the first of the 7 days of Matsos to abstain from Chametz. It is the Day they prepare their first fruit Omers and it is the day they celebrate the Bat Kol. 

The most important thing for Messianic Noahides is the Havdalah (Melave Malka) which takes place after the sun has set on the 15th when the Eve of the 16th begins because they do not observe the regular Pesach Seder on the eve of the 15th.

At this Messianic Noahide "Melave Malka Seder" on the Eve of the 16th, there is no Pesach Lamb served, only a bone leftover from the Lazarus Hagigah of the 14th symbolizing the Pesach Lamb's bones which were given to the dogs in Egypt in order to make the Egyptians bury the bones of their idol. By displaying Lamb bones on their tables for the Melave Malka Seder, Messianic Noahides perform an act of "nullifying the idol".

After the Melave Malka on the Eve of the 16th, Jesus was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane. 

These days the 16th is a solemn Sabbath appointed by the Rabbonim of the Exile. Messianic Noahides must observe the Solemn Sabbath of the 16th as the day their Firstfruit (Resheit Katzir)  was "waved" by the Chief Priests and Sadducees being passed from Ananias to Caiphas on the 16th and from Caiaphas to Pilate on the 17th. Then from Pilate to Herod on the 18th then Herod to Pilate again on the 19th before being crucified on the 20th.

He was then passed from Pilate to Herod on the 18th and finally from Herod back to Pilate again on the 19th who washed his hands of the situation by midnight. 

Paraskeué refers to the preparation day on the 20th of Nisan when Jesus was crucified in the morning and buried before sunset. 

Pascha is the Romaniote word for the holy Yom Tov Sabbath of the 21st. Messianic Noahides commemorate it as the Harrowing of Hades. 

The Chrismation of Jesus

Jesus was anointed by Mary at the house of Simon the Lepper in Bethany in the eve of Aviv 14th after raising Mary's brother Lazarus from the dead. 

This physical anointing of Jesus by the sinful woman is why he is called Christ by his followers not just because he was anointed by the Holy Spirit as all true believers are. 

The idea that the Messiah will be wed to a sinful woman might have been fulfilled if this Mary was actually the wife of Jesus. 

The NT passages relating this event are:

Matthew 26:1–16

Mark 14:1–11

John 12:1–8

and finally we also find it very out of place in Luke 7:36-50. 

Matthew and Mark all make it very clear that this event was less than 2 days before Azumos and was what inspired Judas to betray Jesus to the Scribes of the Chief Priests. Judas approached the Sadducees to make a deal concerning his Rabbi, after Temple Service on Shabbat. They also help us understand that John means 14th Aviv when he says Jesus came to Bethany and they hosted a dinner for him "6 (whole) days before Passover". The dinner could not have been on the evening of the 14th so must have been the eve of the 14th. 

Jesus also makes clear here that his Kanesa is called "The Poor". 


On the Hasmonean calendar Great Sabbath and the 14th of Aviv are always the same day. Messianic Noahides, unlike their Sadducee ancestors, do not take part in the Pesach ritual at sunset on the 14th, but are allowed to prepare a Hagigah before sunset on the 13th. The portions of the Hagigah could be eaten any time from the beginning of the 14th until the end of the 15th. It should be boiled to show that it is not a Korban Pesach. 

A bone is saved from the Hagigah to take part in a sort of Melave Malka Seder after sunset on the 15th. 

Interestingly, in Armenia, they still eat a meal on Lazarus Saturday called "Hashlamah" which looks like a loanword from Hebrew meaning the Peace offering.

This is probably the dinner that Jesus enjoyed at the house of Lazarus on the 14th of Aviv. 

Wednesday 20 March 2024


The 19th of March 2024 is Yom HaAliyah, the 10th of Aviv, on the Hasmonean Calendar (which became the Christian Calendar in 325AD). It falls in what Messianic Noahides call "Hagigah Week" or "Lazarus Week" (the 8th to 14th of Aviv on the Hasmonean Calendar). It is the week before Holy Week (the Messianic Noahide Haag HaMatsoth). The modern Islamic tradition of the Eid Qurbani Hajj on the 10th of Zulhijah has its origins (before Umar changed the Islamic calendar) in preparations by Messianic Noahides from Yom HaAliyah for their Hagigah on Great Sabbath (the 14th of Aviv) otherwise known as Lazarus Saturday.

Lazarus Week was also a popular time of pilgrimage (Aliyah) for Christians since it was in this week that the NT Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth performed the Sign of Jonah by raising Lazarus from the dead causing many crowds to welcome His arrival in Jerusalem riding on a donkey. 

After his departure, it was wrongly assumed that Jesus would return in the same week to the Mount of Olives as the Messiah ben David. 

To ensure that they were not participating in the Pesach activities of the 14th, Messianic Noahides would slaughter their Hagigah (set aside from the 10th) before sunset on the 13th at the latest. Thus Eid Qurbani had its origin in preparation for the CHagigah while only Eastern Christians still observe a Lazarus feast before sunset on Lazarus Saturday.


Tuesday 12 March 2024


Did you know that there is an ancient relationship between Mothering Sunday and Rosh Chodesh Nisan? Well there is!

Because of their origin among repentant Sadducees, Messianic Noahides outside of Jewish areas should use the Hasmonean calendar preserved at the Council of Nicea rather than the Orthodox Jewish Calendar established by Hillel II at Tiberias in 358–359 CE. 

According to the earlier Hasmonean system, the Sunday of the Week of the New-moon closest to the Spring Equinox is always equivalent to the 1st of Aviv, the First day of the Year (hence the fist Sunday after the Full-moon after the Spring Equinox is always Yeaster). The Jewish tradition of Rosh Chodesh being a special holiday for Women was preserved only on the first of the first of the months by the Sadducees and hence evolved into Mothering Sunday!

The 1st of Nisan on Hillel's calendar also used to always correspond to the start of the Muslim month of Zulhijah before the Islamic calendar was changed by Umar.

So just remember, the first day of the week of the New-moon closest to the Spring Equinox is the First Day of the First Month of the year according to the Hasmonean Calendar. It is preserved in modern times as Mothering Sunday.

Nicene Calendar 2024-25 (a 55 week 385 day Leap Year)

First Quarter:

  1. Month Aviv (4 weeks):

    • Week 1: March 10 - March 16
    • Week 2: March 17 - March 23
    • Week 3: March 24 - March 30 (Pesakh)
    • Week 4: March 31 - April 6 (Yeaster)
  2. Month 2 (5 weeks):

    • Week 5: April 7 - April 13
    • Week 6: April 14 - April 20
    • Week 7: April 21 - April 27
    • Week 8: April 28 - May 4
    • Week 9: May 5 - May 11
  3. Month 3 (4 weeks):

    • Week 10: May 12 - May 18 (Pentecost)
    • Week 11: May 19 - May 25
    • Week 12: May 26 - June 1
    • Week 13: June 2 - June 8

Second Quarter:

  1. Month Tammuz (4 weeks):

    • Week 14: June 9 - June 15
    • Week 15: June 16 - June 22
    • Week 16: June 23 - June 29 (The 3 Weeks)
    • Week 17: June 30 - July 6
  2. Month Av (5 weeks):

    • Week 18: July 7 - July 13
    • Week 19: July 14 - July 20
    • Week 20: July 21 - July 27
    • Week 21: July 28 - August 3
    • Week 22: August 4 - August 10
  3. Month Elul (4 weeks):

    • Week 23: August 11 - August 17
    • Week 24: August 18 - August 24
    • Week 25: August 25 - August 31
    • Week 26: September 1 - September 7

Third Quarter:

  1. Month Tishrei (4 weeks):

    • Week 27: September 8 - September 14 (Trumpets)
    • Week 28: September 15 - September 21
    • Week 29: September 22 - September 28 (Sukkot)
    • Week 30: September 29 - October 5
  2. Month 8 (5 weeks):

    • Week 31: October 6 - October 12
    • Week 32: October 13 - October 19
    • Week 33: October 20 - October 26
    • Week 34: October 27 - November 2
    • Week 35: November 3 - November 9
  3. Month 9 (4 weeks):

    • Week 36: November 10 - November 16
    • Week 37: November 17 - November 23
    • Week 38: November 24 - November 30
    • Week 39: December 1 - December 7 (Nicene Hanukah starts on Dec 4th)

Fourth Quarter:

  1. Month Tevet (4 weeks):

    • Week 40: December 8 - December 14
    • Week 41: December 15 - December 21
    • Week 42: December 22 - December 28 (Kalenda)
    • Week 43: December 29 - January 4, 2025
  2. Month 11 (5 weeks):

    • Week 44: January 5 - January 11, 2025
    • Week 45: January 12 - January 18, 2025
    • Week 46: January 19 - January 25, 2025 (Yashan)
    • Week 47: January 26 - February 1, 2025
    • Week 48: February 2 - February 8, 2025
  3. Month 12 (7 weeks):

    • Week 49: February 9 - February 15, 2025
    • Week 50: February 16 - February 22, 2025
    • Week 51: February 23 - March 1, 2025 (Purim)
    • Week 52: March 2 - March 8, 2025
  4. Week 53: March 9 - March 15, 2025
  5. Week 54: March 16 - March 22, 2025
  6. Week 55: March 23 - March 29, 2025